Jumat, 29 Februari 2008

Everything is a test!

Guess what? yes lollypop. Semalem buzz gw di MSN. Nanya: Tir, sekarang kerja dimana sih? What the? Padahal kan gw dah ngasih tau dia, 2 hari sebelum gw cabut. Trus dia bilang "Iya, ke ogilvy yah? Yaaah jauh banget sih, kan gw nggak bisa mampir"

Laaaaaaaahhh? Langsung gw bilang aja "Ah dulu disuruh mampir gak mao, sekarang alasan jauh, taaaeee....ah"

Trus, dia bilang "Iyaa, gw sebenernya waku itu mau mampir, tiraaa, tp pas loe sms itu gw dah mulai nari. Jadi gw ga tau kalo loe mo pindah 2 hari lagi"

Yaah seterusnya, ngobrol-ngobrol gak penting gitu deh (Including someday in the future kita bakalan ketemu di austin, texas ;p)

But you know the whole point of last night conversation is? I sense a little bit push and pull, here. And it's coming from her. Damn! Knowing that i've been abandoned her for the last two weeks.

Ooh, nooo. I ain't play her game. Not now. But it was nice chat indeed, though.

ps. kok lama2 kayak dear diary gini sih nih blog. It supposed to be resourceful for the GAME, right? O, well, learn your lesson in everything, man!


Rabu, 20 Februari 2008

progress on lollypop

Okay, it's about lollypop. Nggak ada perkembangan yang berarti. Yang bisa gw ceritain disini adalah statusnya, peta hubungan sekarang ini.

Okay, dia udah tahu kalo gw interesed in her, walaupun blom 100 % yakin because everytime she performed shit tests i keep throw her away. Tapi dia dah tahu kalo gw interested in her, yg bikin dia bingung mungkin kenapa gw gak berusaha ngejar dia (which is i should or i shouldn't, still don't know) Itu kenapa dia masih suka ngasih shit test ke gw, tease me and all. Dia mo confirm apakah gw ngejar dia ato nggak.

Tp gw ga bakal ngejar dia. Masalahny adalah kalo gw bertahan dengan strategi sekarang, gw ga bakal kemana2. Because to honest, she's not easy (which is good, as a challenge) Pilihannya adalah gw musti bikin sesuatu yg baru, cara baru, yg bikin dia attract ke gw. Tapi apa? caranya gimana? Yuk kita bedah satu-satu. lihat mana yg paling mungkin dilakukan.

Ask her out on a date? This has been done,reportnya: well she didn't responded very well. And i made slightly little mistake by acting a little needy (dengan nanyain about that date, berulang-ulang. I know, thats the worst. Okay, i delivered with C&F thing, but still, needy is needy)

Try to get involved with her activity? This also has been asked, dan gw ga dapet celah. Baru aja mo involved ama Trifor lewat baggymonkey, tp ternyata ga bisa, oh well.

Hhm.. gimana lagi yah? MUngkin strategi yg pas untuk saat ini adalah.... yes, i'm afraid i will have to say this. I'm gonna back out.... just for now. Because i believe, wise man is they who know when to move forward and back out. remember, one step back to get two step up.

Itung-itung sambil latihan inner game. now that i think about it, back out is the best option for now. Because what? I'm too neeedy right now, and that's not good. I'll be back for more lollypop, when new innergame is ready.

Nah, intinya back out itu ngapain aja? Gak pernah nelpon or SMS lagi (which is i never did) jangan negor dia di MSN (this is gonna be hard, but i can do it)

For how long? Well, a month max. Tp yg pasti, when i come back musti ada cara baru. Jangan sampe kayak gini lagi. A plan, that i must have.

Yeah, we'll be together, just a matter of time.